# a file server and file server client built atop the message passing layer (MPL) (libmpl.a) README # from the mpl_file_server folder use the following commands: ./builAll - build everything: the message passing library (libmpl.a), the file server (cse384_file_server_executable.cpp), the file server client (cse384_client_executive.cpp), and the Receiver, and Sender test stubs: (ReceiverTest and SenderTest) ./buildFSserver - builds the file server (cse384_file_server_executive.cpp) ./buildFSclient - builds the file server client (cse384_client_executive.cpp) ./runServerTwoclients - run the file server executable, and two clients (server file storage: ./serverFiles), clients' file storage is ./client1Files and ./client2Files respectively) ./runTests - runs the MPL Receiver and Sender test stubs demonstrating the functionality of the MPL cse384_client_executive.cpp - the fs server client C++ code. cse384_file_server_executable.cpp - the fs server C++ code. Project2utils.h/cpp - helper (utility) functions for the fs client and server code